geekos project 3
- 实现src/geekos/syscall.c文件中的Sys_SetSchedulingPolicy系统调用,它的功能是设置系统采用的何种进程调度策略;
- 实现geekos/syscall.c文件中的Sys_GetTimeOfDaysrc/系统调用,它的功能是获取全局变量g_numTicks的值;
- 实现函数Change_Scheduling_Policy(),具体实现不同调度算法的转换。
- 实现syscall.c中信号量有关的四个系统调用:sys_createsemaphore( )、sys_P( )、sys_V( )和sys_destroysemaphore( )。
struct Kernel_Thread {
ulong_t esp; /* offset 0 */
volatile ulong_t numTicks; /* offset 4 */
int priority;
DEFINE_LINK(Thread_Queue, Kernel_Thread);
void* stackPage;
struct User_Context* userContext;
struct Kernel_Thread* owner;
int refCount;
/* These fields are used to implement the Join() function */
bool alive;
struct Thread_Queue joinQueue;
int exitCode;
/* The kernel thread id; also used as process id */
int pid;
/* Link fields for list of all threads in the system. */
DEFINE_LINK(All_Thread_List, Kernel_Thread);
/* Array of MAX_TLOCAL_KEYS pointers to thread-local data. */
#define MAX_TLOCAL_KEYS 128
const void* tlocalData[MAX_TLOCAL_KEYS];
* The run queue level that the thread should be put on
* when it is restarted.
int currentReadyQueue;
bool blocked;
GeekOS系统最早创建的内核进程有Idle、Peaper和Main3个进程。在系统初始化时,Main函数调用了一系列初始化函数,其中Init_Scheduler函数(\src\geekos\kthread.c)的作用:geekos project 2
- 初始化一个内核进程mainThread,并将该进程作为当前运行进程;
- 创建两个系统进程Idle和Reaper;
- Idle进程类似于Windows中的系统闲置进程,什么也不做,创建后就一直存在于系统中,它存在的唯一目的是保证准备运行队列中有可调度的进程。当系统没有可运行的进程时,CPU就运行Idle,一旦有其他准备运行的进程进入,Idle就会立即放弃CPU。
- Reaper负责消亡进程的善后工作,如释放消亡进程占用的资源,内存、堆栈等。
void Init_Scheduler(void)
g_preSchedulingPolicy = ROUND_ROBIN;
g_curSchedulingPolicy = MULTILEVEL_FEEDBACK;
struct Kernel_Thread* mainThread = (struct Kernel_Thread *) KERN_THREAD_OBJ;
* Create initial kernel thread context object and stack,
* and make them current.
Init_Thread(mainThread, (void *) KERN_STACK, PRIORITY_NORMAL, true);
g_currentThread = mainThread;
Add_To_Back_Of_All_Thread_List(&s_allThreadList, mainThread);
* Create the idle thread.
/*Print("starting idle thread\n");*/
Start_Kernel_Thread(Idle, 0, PRIORITY_IDLE, true);
* Create the reaper thread.
/*Print("starting reaper thread\n");*/
Start_Kernel_Thread(Reaper, 0, PRIORITY_NORMAL, true);
创建一个GeekOS内核进程需要调用Start_Kernel_Thread函数,而Start_Kernel_Thread内部调用Creat_Thread函数 ,该函数主要是创建内核进程对象,并调用Alloc_Page函数为进程对象、进程内核堆栈各分配一页内存(若失败,返回0,同时释放内核控制块空间)。
struct Kernel_Thread* Start_Kernel_Thread(
Thread_Start_Func startFunc,
ulong_t arg,
int priority,
bool detached
struct Kernel_Thread* kthread = Create_Thread(priority, detached);
if (kthread != 0) {
* Create the initial context for the thread to make
* it schedulable.
Setup_Kernel_Thread(kthread, startFunc, arg);
/* Atomically put the thread on the run queue. */
return kthread;
- 时间片用完;
- 执行内核进程Idle;
- 进程退出调用Exit函数;
- 进程进入等待调用Wait函数。
align 8
; Save registers (general purpose and segment)
; Ensure that we're using the kernel data segment
mov ax, KERNEL_DS
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; Get the address of the C handler function from the
; table of handler functions.
mov eax, g_interruptTable ; get address of handler table
mov esi, [esp+REG_SKIP] ; get interrupt number
mov ebx, [eax+esi*4] ; get address of handler function
; Call the handler.
; The argument passed is a pointer to an Interrupt_State struct,
; which describes the stack layout for all interrupts.
push esp
call ebx
add esp, 4 ; clear 1 argument
; If preemption is disabled, then the current thread
; keeps running.
cmp [g_preemptionDisabled], dword 0
jne .restore
; See if we need to choose a new thread to run.
cmp [g_needReschedule], dword 0
je .restore
; Put current thread back on the run queue
push dword [g_currentThread]
call Make_Runnable
add esp, 4 ; clear 1 argument
; Save stack pointer in current thread context, and
; clear numTicks field.
mov eax, [g_currentThread]
mov [eax+0], esp ; esp field
mov [eax+4], dword 0 ; numTicks field
; Pick a new thread to run, and switch to its stack
call Get_Next_Runnable
mov [g_currentThread], eax
mov esp, [eax+0] ; esp field
; Clear "need reschedule" flag
mov [g_needReschedule], dword 0
; Activate the user context, if necessary.
; Restore registers
; Return from the interrupt.
align 16
; Modify the stack to allow a later return via an iret instruction.
; We start with a stack that looks like this:
; thread_ptr
; esp --> return addr
; We change it to look like this:
; thread_ptr
; eflags
; cs
; esp --> return addr
push eax ; save eax
mov eax, [esp+4] ; get return address
mov [esp-4], eax ; move return addr down 8 bytes from orig loc
add esp, 8 ; move stack ptr up
pushfd ; put eflags where return address was
mov eax, [esp-4] ; restore saved value of eax
push dword KERNEL_CS ; push cs selector
sub esp, 4 ; point stack ptr at return address
; Push fake error code and interrupt number
push dword 0
push dword 0
; Save general purpose registers.
; Save stack pointer in the thread context struct (at offset 0).
mov eax, [g_currentThread]
mov [eax+0], esp
; Clear numTicks field in thread context, since this
; thread is being suspended.
mov [eax+4], dword 0
; Load the pointer to the new thread context into eax.
; We skip over the Interrupt_State struct on the stack to
; get the parameter.
; Make the new thread current, and switch to its stack.
mov [g_currentThread], eax
mov esp, [eax+0]
; Activate the user context, if necessary.
; Restore general purpose and segment registers, and clear interrupt
; number and error code.
; We'll return to the place where the thread was
; executing last.
; Return current contents of eflags register.
GeekOS的初始系统提供的进程调度是时间片轮转调度,所有准备运行进程(即Kernel_Thread)都放在一个FIFO队列里面,进程调度时找优先级最高的进程投入运行。 在GeekOS中,Get_Next_Runnable函数就是进程调度算法实现的地方,由\src\geekos\kthread.c文件中的Find_Best函数在准备运行进程的队列(s_runQueue指针指向)中查找,找优先级最高的。
本项目主要实现多级反馈队列(MLF)和轮询(RR)调度算法以及信号量的相关操作, 需要我们填写 syscall.c 和 kthread.c 等不同文件中的多个函数。 在之前的项目中,GeekOS 使用的系统调度算法均为轮询调度算法,因此在此项目 中,我们需要实现 MLF 调度算法的相关操作以及 RR 与 MLF 两种算法之间的队列转换 算法。GeekOS 中,MLF 算法的规则描述为:进程就绪队列共分为 4 级,按照优先级从 高到低排列分别为 Q0、Q1、Q2 和 Q3 队列;新创建的进程会被置入最高优先级的就绪 队列(此处为 Q0);每当一个进程运行完一个时间片长度之后,它就会被置入比之前低 一级的就绪队列,直到到达优先级最低的队列(Q3), 因此,CPU 密集型的进程最终会 被放到最低优先级的队列中;如果一个进程被阻塞(blocked),它的队列优先级就会提升一个等级,直到被阻塞三次后达到最高优先级队列(Q0)。
在 MLF 策略与 RR 策略的进程队列转换时,GeekOS 给出的规则如下:MLF->RR 时,将 Q1-Q3 队列中所有进程转移至 Q0 队列,然后按照优先级从高到低的顺序重新排 序;RR->MLF 时,只需将原本位于 Q0 队列中的 Idle(空闲)进程转移至 Q3 队列,其 他进程无需再做修改。在实际编写代码的时候 ,由于 GeekOS 提前实现了从队列中获取 最高优先级进程的函数 Find_Best(),因此在 MLF->RR 时只需要将所有队列中进程移至 Q0 队列中即可。
static int Sys_SetSchedulingPolicy(struct Interrupt_State* state);
- 补充测试代码
if (argc == 3) {
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "rr")) {
policy = 0;//选择时间片轮转调度
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "mlf")) {
policy = 1;//选择多级反馈调度
} else {
Print("usage: %s [rr|mlf] <quantum>\n", argv[0]);
} else {
Print("usage: %s [rr|mlf] <quantum>\n", argv[0]);
quantum = atoi(argv[2]);//设置时间片长度
Set_Scheduling_Policy(policy, quantum);
- 接着调用Sys_SetSchedulingPolicy()(\src\geekos\syscall.c)设置调度策略:
static int Sys_SetSchedulingPolicy(struct Interrupt_State* state)
/* 如果输入的优先级调度方法参数无效(非 0 或 1)则返回错误 */
if (state->ebx != ROUND_ROBIN && state->ebx != MULTILEVEL_FEEDBACK)
Print("Error! Scheduling Policy should be RR or MLF\n");
return -1;
/* 如果输入的时间片参数不在[1, 100]之间则返回错误 */
if (state->ecx < 1 || state->ecx > 100)
Print("Error! Quantum should be in the range of [1, 100]\n");
return -1;
int res = Chang_Scheduling_Policy(state->ebx, state->ecx);
return res;
- 到Chang_Scheduling_Policy()(\src\geekos\kthread.c)修改线程队列及系统相关变量,主要是 g_curSchedulingPolicy 为当前调度策略, g_Quantum